
It’s easy to identify benevolent historical figures. Mother Theresa springs readily to mind. But all geographical and cultural areas have their sainted individuals, people who were nicer, gentler, and more kindly than average folks.

And yes, it is important to support the well-being of other members of our species. We’re all human instances of a divine whole. We all deserve to be treated with love, respect, and caring.

But beyond that, all Creation is a unified divine whole. Other life forms, landscapes, bodies of water, our atmosphere, etc—all are part of that unified consciousness. All existence is worthy of our benevolence.

When we can treat everything and everyone we encounter with kindness, respect, and gratitude, that’s true benevolence. We don’t have to be famous. We don’t have to be known for our charitable acts. All we need to do is to meet other instances of Creation with love.

Today’s message encourages me to up my benevolence quotient. When I reverence all life—and that includes me—I walk a loving path through life.

Please reflect and share. What does benevolent mean to you?