Do more of what matters

We all would like our lives to have meaning. We’d like to think that we will create something good in our lifetimes.

We may hope to leave a legacy behind us when we’re gone, something that says: “Here was someone special, someone that mattered and made a difference in the world.” It may be important to us to be remembered well.

We probably won’t achieve this by being famous. Should we even reach fame status, it still may not be likely that we’ll be remembered generations on.

So, it doesn’t really make sense to live our lives in the hopes of pleasing someone else in the future. It’s unfulfilling enough to guide our lives by others’ hopes and wishes for us in the present.

Yes, it is important to do more things that matter—to us. When we devote our time and energy as much as possible to things that express our inner self, that employ our creativity, that make us feel good, then our time is well spent.

In this way, we make a difference by modeling a happy, healthy, creative lifestyle for others. If we influence others to do so as well by example, it’s possible our choices and actions could have longer-reaching effects as they influence others similarly.

Today’s message reminds me that only my ethics and beliefs are an accurate measuring stick of what matters to me in life. When I live true to my vision and values, my life matters.

Please reflect and share. What matters to you in life?