Inner harmony = outer progress

Sometimes we try so very hard and we just don’t seem to get where we want to be. We may have exhausted ourselves with effort and still may not see what we feel are adequate results.

We probably feel that we’re all in on our goal. After all, we’re trying really hard, aren’t we?

But perhaps we’re not trying with all our being. We exist on several different levels—mind, body, spirit, and emotions. In order to be the most effective, we need to be aligned to our aim on all these levels. It’s very possible that we’re not.

We may consciously believe we’re giving our very best effort. Emotionally or subconsciously, we may doubt our capability to succeed. This gives mixed messages to Creation. Our results will likely also be mixed.

Or we may have forgotten to support our dream with our spiritual self. Or we may be neglecting to operate from a healthy, strong body.

To be truly all in we need to align:

* Mentally. Do our thoughts and beliefs support our dream? Eliminating negative self-talk adds strength to our efforts.

* Physically. Are we taking good care of our physical body? We need to be at our best to give our best.

* Spiritually. Do we understand that we co-create with the divine? Are we willing to step up and really believe in our ability to visualize and manifest?

* Emotionally. Are we holding on to the pain of old failures and self-image issues? When we move forward with only the lessons learned (and not the pain of learning them), we use our strength to support our dream.

    Today’s message reminds me of the importance of personal harmony. When all parts of me are working together happily, my personal mojo is amplified.

    Please reflect and share. How harmonious are the various aspects of yourself?