Keep focused

It’s easy to be distracted. We’re busy. Life moves quickly. Interconnectivity offers so much available information to us.

While that’s wonderful, it can also be all-consuming. Our focus and effort is gobbled up by things we think we should do and things that grab out attention.

That can often shift how we spend our energy and focus away from what we really want toward what’s immediately in front of us. We may allow control of how we invest ourselves to be taken from us by default.

When we make actual conscious choices about how we spend our time and energy, we’ll be happier with ourselves and in general too. We can choose to place our focus on things and beings that really matter to us. We live more the way we want to live.

Today’s message reminds me to choose my life rather than letting circumstances choose for me. While I can control the many events, I am in charge of my choices. I can decide how I invest myself in life.

Please reflect and share. Where is your focus?