Thankful for you!
Tomorrow is a day that revolves around gratitude. Abundance, for which we are profoundly thankful, comes in many forms.
The physical things we’re grateful for are easy to enumerate. Money, possessions, homes, cars, food, and clothing all make our existence more pleasant. Some of us may have more or less than others, but we all have physical things to appreciate.
The intangible things may require a bit more thought, but we all have them to some degree. Health (physical and mental), love interests, family, friends, co-workers, pastimes and hobbies, open minds and hearts. There are so many ways we may be blessed in life.
Today’s message is devoted to you, gentle reader. I’ve been on the journey of this blog for a number of years now. At some point, you have chosen to accompany me in this exploration.
And I am profoundly grateful. Thankful for your interest and comments. I’m grateful that you’ve chosen to join me in introspection, and so glad that you’ve elected to join in by offering your own self-exploration.
Today’s message reminds me that without you, my thoughts would have less impact, both on me and on the world in general. So, thank you for your help is exploring awareness together with me!
Please reflect and share. What impact has this blog had on your thought processes?