Being positive helps

Sometimes we’re navigating difficult territory. It’s hard, particularly at the onset of the trouble when we’re struggling to understand and accept what’s happening.

We may feel victimized or betrayed by life. We certainly don’t like what is happening. Our upset with the situation can spill over until we dislike life in general.

It may sound Pollyanna, but being positive can help. We may find things to appreciate in the midst of difficulty—lovely sunsets, helpful folks, snuggles with pets and loved ones, or even just a good cup of coffee or tea.

This appreciation can assist to offset our sadness, anger, and disappointment to a degree. Life isn’t universally bad. Some parts are good, no matter what.

Being positive will also help us navigate our situation with a clearer head. When we’re not steeped in heavily charged emotions, we can think and decide well and more readily.

Today’s message reminds me that positivity doesn’t have to be unrelenting. But it should be a part of my everyday life, as it will help me to find and savor goodness each day.

Please reflect and share. What is your experience with positivity?