Because we can

Sometimes we feel powerless. Other times we feel we have the hammer. We can see this dynamic in relationships, in the workplace, in human conflicts, and yes, in politics too.

There may be a sense that if we have what we perceive to be an advantage, we should parlay strength into domination or control.

This dynamic may feel okay to us, as long as we are in the ascendant. Being in charge and on top may simplify things for us or stroke our egos.

We feel empowered to push our agendas. Cooperation with others we perceive as weaker may not figure in our playbook. The short-term gain of power right now can feel seductive.

But is this really the best long-term strategy? What happens when circumstances shift and we’re no longer on top. Will we feel the rising power group is justified in seizing control to further their agenda? Or will we decry their short-sighted domination?

Doing something simply because we can is usually unwise, not to mention counterproductive. We make enemies and further widen any divisions. We burn bridges we may need to cross in the future. And we alienate potential cooperative partners, now and in the future.

Today’s message reminds me of the folly of flexing my muscle on any level simply because I’m able to. Kindness, love, and compassion will help me generate good circumstances in life. I may not see results as quickly and dramatically, but they’re like to be longer-lasting.

Please reflect and share. Do you believe might makes right?