In our favor

We may believe in luck. If so, we likely feel we experience lucky and unlucky occurrences. When things are going well, this may lead us to fear that positive trend ceasing. If things are difficult, we may feel we need luck to get us out of our slump.

And yes, we will experience times of ease and times of potential stress. We won’t always have things as we might hope they would be.

But a large part of how we feel about what is going on may have to do with control. If situations aren’t exactly as we might hope they would be, we can feel powerless. This may lead us to feeling defeated and possibly even giving up.

But what if, all appearances to the contrary, everything is working out in our favor? What if Creation is a benevolent generative force that provides us with everything we need to have a good and happy life? What if even our very challenging times help us to get more of what we want and need by offering us the opportunity to grow our skills and understanding?

Today’s message advises me that everything I experience is always in my favor. Each major and minor occurrence I encounter unlocks new possibilities for how I receive and perceive life. I can safely and happily learn and grow, knowing Creation always has my back.

Please reflect and share. How is life conspiring in your favor?