The best days are right now

We may feel that the best days of our lives are at some point in the future. When we’ve finished school, gotten married, had children, make more money, retire, lose weight—the list can go on and on.

We likely feel that conditions will be more optimal then, more conducive to our happiness. So, we wait to be happy.

This may cause us to keep focused on achieving, giving little attention to being happy in the moment. But right now is all we really have. Nothing else is guaranteed. It makes sense to make the best, happiest days for ourselves right now.

We can certainly, at the very least, make sure we spend some time each and every day doing something that brings us joy. And we can reframe what we do the rest of the day to find a way to savor more routine activities.

Today’s message reminds me that today (and any other day) is a great day to choose to be happy. For however long a span of time remains in my life here, I can make each day a good one.

Please reflect and share. What made today a good day for you?