It’s gonna be good

We often can sense when change is coming. It may make us feel a bit unsettled.

This uneasiness can cause us to worry. What if things go bad? What if we don’t like the change? What if we are unprepared for or can’t handle the shift?

We can come up with a near endless variety of ways to fret about an upcoming change. None of this anxiety helps prepare us for the shift or makes it in any way easier.

But what if we simply assumed that the impending change is a chance for something good? What if we saw it as a positive opportunity?

Then our mindset and approach would likely be more excited and playful. We’d be more likely to attract good things and help. And we’d enjoy the process more if we were in a state of positive anticipation.

Today’s message advises me it’s helpful to assume the best. I’m more apt to be blessed when that’s what I’m expecting.

Please reflect and share. Do you tend to anticipate good things?